It’s Taco Time!

Do you love Mexican food?

I LOVE Mexican food. I’ve blogged before about how ethnic food was my saviour when I became a vegetarian four years ago.

The ethnic food influence has been pretty evident throughout the recipes I’ve blogged. Let’s see…

So let’s just add to the mix with a Mexican taco feast, shall we?

This is a really fun dinner to make because it’s an ‘assemble-it-yourself’ dish, which I always find is enjoyable for everyone as you can customize your meal however you prefer. It’s a great one to serve at parties. You can choose whichever toppings you prefer, but for this version I topped my taco and taco ‘meat’ with avocado, tomatoes and my homemade coleslaw (recipe below).

What to do when ground beef taco meat is no longer an option?

Make lentil taco ‘meat’ of course!

Copyright to The Guiltless Life

Lentil Tacos

INGREDIENTS (serves 6):

For taco meat:
1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
2 tsp minced garlic
1/4 cup diced onion
3/4 cup dried lentils
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp oregano
Salt and pepper

For tacos:
Pack of tortilla wraps (gluten-free if necessary)
1 avocado, halved and pitted, and then sliced into thick wedges
Baby tomatoes, halved or 2 regular tomatoes, sliced
Anna’s Waldorf Coleslaw (recipe below)


1. Heat oil in a frying pan. Add garlic and onion; stir fry for 5 minutes or until onion starts to soften.

2. Meanwhile, boil lentils in 1 1/2 cups water. When cooked, water should have disappeared.

3. Add cooked lentils to onion and garlic, then add seasonings. Add salt and pepper to taste.

4. Fry for 5 more minutes.

5. Assemble with wraps, avocados, tomatoes and coleslaw (recipe below).

Nutritional information below is per serving of taco meat only, if serves 6:

Nutritional information courtesy of

Anna’s Waldorf Coleslaw

I call this Waldorf Coleslaw because I make it a bit like a Waldorf salad with the apples and nuts, but coleslaw…does that make sense? If not, just read on for the recipe; hopefully all will become clear :).


1 bag shredded cabbage and carrot (coleslaw mix)
1/2 cup walnuts
1/2 apple, diced
1/4 cup to 1/2 mayonnaise (or Veganaise) – just use however much you want till it’s as wet as you prefer. Some people don’t want their coleslaw too wet.
1-2 tbsp almond milk, to thin out the mayo a bit
1 tsp Sucanat (optional, only if you prefer a sweeter coleslaw)


1. Mix the cabbage and carrot mix, walnuts and diced apple in a large salad bowl.

2. Add mayo and stir until combined, then add milk to thin it out a bit.

3. Taste, if too sour for you, you can add some Sucanat to sweeten. Done!

Copyright to The Guiltless Life

Nutritional information below per serving of coleslaw if serves 6 (no Sucanat, 1/4 cup mayo):

Nutritional information courtesy of


  1. Mike always says his favorite type of food is mexican food, and I feel the same! We love chips, salsa, and guacamole so much ! I make tacos weekly for the boys, but need to make some for me soon!

    Happy weekend love! xoxo ❤

    • Yum guacamole! Yes, don’t let yourself miss out on the taco action, they’re way too good to be missed – and these ones are so healthy!

  2. Thanks Anna! My husbands favorite food is Mexican too and this will be an awesome meal that he’d love!! Even without meat!! Btw, my meat reducing diet is going very well! Thanks for your ideas! Have a great weekend!

    • I’m so glad it’s going well! Let me know if you have anymore questions at all. I hope your husband loves this but even if he doesn’t, it’s pretty easy to make a meat filling for him and a lentil one for you!

  3. Thanks for the recipe roundup! I am definitely going to bookmark this page, so many tasty things 🙂 And of course a wonderful recipe!

  4. I love tacos! 🙂
    Thanks for the recipes! 🙂

  5. I had Mexican last night for dinner with Will! Although I’m pretty confident that these recipes are much healthier than the boatload of chips I ate 🙂

    • Haha chips are so good now and again though 😉 but yeah, these tacos are pretty awesome as a healthy Mexican alternative. If you don’t want the coleslaw, you can serve them with my cilantro salsa, which is ah-maaazing and is so cilantro-y if you like that 😉

  6. Yumm!! Tacos & coleslaw, count me in! 😀 I’m a big fan of tacos, but have yet to try making lentil ‘meat,’ though it’s on my mental list. Bookmarked! Thank you for the recipe! 🙂

  7. lentil tacos NEED to happen in my kitchen super soon! looks great girly!

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